Narrative description of Project:
The objective of this assignment is to conduct a countrywide survey of randomly selected urban and rural households across the country (total sample size is estimated at 2000 households—split equally between rural and urban areas), and a countrywide survey of 400 firms (selected to be representative), to understand their adoption and use of ICT, as well as to get a deeper understanding of issues related to the use of technologies..
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Ameria was responsible for the survey and a summary of headline findings based on the survey results. In addition, we conducted data analysis and produced reports on findings. The major duties included:
- Adaptation of the World Bank questionnaire to the survey requirements
- Work with the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia to secure an appropriate sample frame and any other inputs needed to conduct the survey with a high technical quality.
- Pilot test of the questionnaires under real conditions. Monitor time per module for estimation of average time per questionnaire, and any programming challenges. The pilot data includes a minimum of 50 observations.
- Prepare a detailed Field Procedure Plan
- Elaborate a sampling strategy, using an appropriate sampling frame along with the protocols for ensuring full adherence to the sample frame and high-quality data, including rules for household re-visits and substitutions – and to ensure confidentiality and anonymity;
- Develop procedures for field data backup and weekly submission to the Bank team;
- Develop the necessary protocols to ensure selected households can participate in a follow- up survey as part of the requirements for the construction of a household panel dataset;
- Supervision and spot check plans to ensure adherence to data collection protocols and confirm quality of data collection including a 5% of re-visits to a random sample of the evaluation sample to confirm the validity of the data.
- Recruit or enlist enumerators with experience conducting surveys in the country, and familiarity with data collection on topics related to usage of ICT services (e.g. use of utilities, network services);
- Train all enumerators, supervisors, and data manager on the administration of the questionnaires provided by the team.
- Implement the survey for 2,000 HH with diversity of social and economic characteristics and geography to ensure a representative sample;
- Develop a system to track questionnaires completed and replacements;
- Provide weekly reports to the World Bank team detailing number of interviews completed, challenges faced, modifications made to the Field Procedure Plan, and any other notable occurrences;
- Correct all inconsistencies and problems identified by the team in data quality checks, which may require re-visiting households (the list of data quality checks will be shared in advance of the start of data collection).
- Undertake the analysis of data on particular findings and produce a report based on the data analysis
- Provide the full dataset in a standard electronic format;
- Provide metadata from interview files in an agreed-upon electronic format;
- Provide headline findings and their brief analysis;
- Provide a Final Report, submitted at the end of the data collection period, summarizing the weekly progress reports and detailing the overall response rate.