Name of associated Consultants: CIVITTA Armenia Duration of assignment: 8 months Narrative description of Project: The Employment strategy aims at comprehensively addressing interlinked problems in the labor and employment sector through human capital development. The strategy is developed under the national ownership of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and in consultation with the...
Duration of assignment: 8 months Narrative description of Project: The main goal of the assignment is to develop population strategy and results framework for Armenia. Within the assignment following tasks will be implemented: 1. Development of country context overview, including • The economic context, including economic situation overview, economic indicators, global economic outlook (prospects for...
Name of associated Consultants: Policy and Management Consulting Group (Georgia), Media Model LLC (Armenia) Duration of assignment: 8 months Narrative description of Project: The main objective of this business survey on the topic of non-tariff measures (NTMs), conducted in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, is to systematically capture the business perceptions on burdensome...
Duration of assignment: 2 months Narrative description of Project: The purpose of the assignment was to raise awareness among the Government representatives on the necessity and importance of National Transfer Accounts and to strengthen their capacities to conduct NTA calculations in Armenia. Within the assignment following activities were carried out: • To conduct advocacy campaigns...
Name of associated Consultants: Prisma LLC Duration of assignment: 6 months Narrative description of Project: Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs elaborates and implements the policy of the Government on labor and social protection. The Government puts strong emphasis on poverty reduction through job creation and education, including eradication of extreme poverty and reducing poverty...
Duration of assignment: 4 months Narrative description of Project: The overall objective of the project is to develop recommendations on the possibilities and ways to increase the added value of the textile products produced in Armenia and make the latter more competitive in the light of the upcoming GSP+ regime elimination for the given product...
Name of associated Consultants: Media Model LLC, Prisma LLC Duration of assignment: 3 months Narrative description of Project: Organized by the joint European Union and Council of Europe CyberEast Project – in cooperation with the CybersecurityEast project funded by the European Union – the surveys and overall research effort in the Eastern Partnership region primarily contribute to...
Name of Consortium Leader: Environment Group LTD Duration of assignment: 4 months Narrative description of Project: The objective of the task is to draft the NDC implementation plan of Armenia to support more effective implementation process, coordination and ensure transparency. The NDC implementation plan development process includes 1) gap analysis to identify priority activities, 2)...
Name of associated Consultants: BDO Armenia Duration of assignment (months): 9 months Narrative description of Project: The Government of Armenia identifies export promotion as one of the main drivers of its economic growth strategy for the next decade. In this regard, the tax and customs administration play a critical role. Therefore, further strengthening of the...
Description of Project: With a focus on the possible expansion and diversification of the existing tourism offer, the implemented feasibility study provided in-depth analysis of the Shirak region’s potential to develop winter tourism. The study provided analysis of general tourism trends, market potential and developments, local, regional and international competition, existing tourism facilities and offers,...