Name of Client: EU Delegation in Armenia
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Analyze and evaluate the setup and management of the projects and the coordination with project partners, including:
- The overall management of the project by the contractor, coordination with project partners and management of the project components by the project partners where relevant (also in terms of planning and programming administration and management systems)
- Management of financial flows by the contractor and project partners
- Procurement and transfer of the equipment to the beneficiaries of the project
- Provide recommendations for improvement in any of the relevant fields
- Reporting on the state of play to the EU Delegation
- Monitor implementation of the project, including:
- Effectiveness of the project implementation and outputs
- Efficiency of the project implementation as to how well work processes are carried out to produce expected results
- Potential impact on target groups and direct beneficiaries, sustainability of the impact, contribution to capacity development
- Compliance of the project with EU visibility requirements and dissemination of information
- Provide recommendations for improvement in any of the relevant fields
Reporting on the progress to EU Delegation