Name of Consortium Leader: Environment Group LTD

Duration of assignment: 4 months

Narrative description of Project:

The objective of the task is to draft the NDC implementation plan of Armenia to support more effective implementation process, coordination and ensure transparency. The NDC implementation plan development process includes 1) gap analysis to identify priority activities, 2) an assessment of resource needs, 3) sequencing of activities, and 4) documenting the NDC implementation plan of Armenia.

The scope of activities include:

  • Review the 2020NDC of Armenia, with particular attention to the ՙՙ Planning processes՚՚ section, compare the existing country policy landscape against any commitments made in the NDC to identify any current or planned arrangements for NDC implementation.
  • Review key documents (including drafts), such as national and sectoral low-emission development strategies, national adaptation plans, National Communications, Biennial Update Reports, sectoral master plans and national planning documents to determine the extent of existing structures’ in support of both adaptation and mitigation, and extent of collation of the NDC and with existing plans as well as new goals set by NDC, which need additional planning.
  • Identify the NDC implementation coordination structure, define the central NDC implementation coordination team’s roles and responsibilities with regards to NDC implementation, including its mandate, the roles and responsibilities of relevant government ministries and agencies, decision-making and coordination processes, powers to obtain information or data relevant to climate policy, powers (specific or generic) to make secondary legislation to achieve climate actions, for mitigation or adaptation.
  • Undertake an initial assessment of the resources needed for implementing the activities identified, including the finance required, staff time, expertise, technology and tools (e.g. emissions-scenario models). Carry out an initial assessment of the expected duration of the different activities, distinguishing between those that could be completed in less than a year and those that will be multi-year.
  • Based on needs assessment, develop recommendations to provide appropriate capacity-building for the team and key counterparts across government in relation to their mandated roles and responsibilities. Identify processes to retain knowledge within institutions, improving institutional memory.
  • Undertake mapping of the key national stakeholders and their potential roles in NDC implementation, including private sector, academia and civil society including women’s organizations. Outline a stakeholder engagement plan to be developed separately.
  • Sequence the various NDC implementation activities identified from the gap analysis, identify which activities should be started immediately and which can be started in the future.